old Redcliffe Fire Station Master Planning

In association with CPR Group, Connelly Project Resources 2013

The 1948 brick building with subsequent extensions occupies a prominent position on Oxley Ave, and is proposed to be repurposed for an Arts Centre by the Moreton Bay Regional Council. This represented a good fit with the building and our investigation showed that the use could be accommodated without undue impact on the heritage significance of the place. The Burra Charter recognizes that conservation includes adaption of places to enable continued use. Use of a place is central to its ongoing conservation.

The place was listed on the Queensland Heritage Register in 2005.

The place demonstrates the evolution of Queensland history, including evidence of the rapid transformation of Redcliffe from a holiday destination to a residential centre after the construction of the Hornibrook Bridge. The development boom after 1935 was hampered by World War Two, but continued in the post-war period. The Redcliffe Fire Station was part of the Redcliffe Town Council's drive to develop Redcliffe's public infrastructure.

The Redcliffe Fire Station, opened in 1949, has an uncommon external architectural style, in that it resembles neither Brisbane's brick fire stations of the 1920s, nor Brisbane's brick fire stations of the 1950s. During the 1930s, Brisbane's fire stations were built with timber, and no fire stations were constructed in Brisbane between 1941 and 1954. Redcliffe thus preceded Brisbane in the move towards modern brick fire stations.

The interior layout demonstrates the principal characteristics of a fire station of the period, which include: accommodation on the first floor for the Chief Officer; a central appliance garage on the ground floor, flanked by a dormitory, recreation room, watch room, showers, toilet, laundry and kitchen; a hose drying tower; an outdoor rear area for vehicle maintenance and cleaning; and close access to a main street.

(extract from the Listing, edited)

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Exterior from the south east in 2013


Aerial view showing vertical access space for lift and stair to First floor

Cutaway ground floor

Back of the building in 2013


Original blueprint courtesy Moreton Bay Regional Council