
This 1939 house in Wilson Ave, Dicky Beach, had been owned by the family since the mid 1950s. The long association with the place included childhood memories, however practical reasoning and future retirement plans suggested development of the property to its full potential. The allotment was beachfront and zoned Res B, which allowed a duplex. The fitted the client's requirements and would help ensure the place was conserved into the future.

To retain the character of the original, and to assist with negotiations with Council, design strategy centred on a conservation approach.

1996 An historical investigation revealed that this house, and its neighbour to the north were built for rental accommodation, and were associated with ancillary requirements for Governor Wilson's residence to the south. They represent some of the original development since the area was made accessible by the construction of the Tooway Creek bridge in 1937.

The house was a typical, but fairly modest Queenslander. Exterior and some internal wall sheeting was Fibro, rather than the more typical weatherboard and pine T&G used for more upmarket homes. This was a trend which continued after the war when when beach houses became popular. The interior shows typical inter-war detailing with a Fibro clad arch rather than decorative timberwork. Door surrounds are morticed for hinges and latches on both sides, which suggests a "Redicut" kit where doors could be hung to swing in different configurations.

The house was lifted about 600mm in order to construct a second dwelling unit on the ground floor.The original portions of the house were to be conserved, however, except for concessions gained for boundary and fire proofing requirements on the southern side, the entire development was upgraded to current Building Code requirements. A new garage replaced the existing space under the original house.

The original upper floor was conserved. A late 1950's verandah had fallen into disrepair and was replaced with a new structure. Associated changes to the window arrangement on the eastern elevation were retained. The original kitchen and bathroom were upgraded. The original stump locations were used for the new structure, and new security/weather screens retain the memory of the original ground floor battened enclosure. Some interior stained silky oak faced ply panelling still exists.

The photo below (courtesy Mrs J Stieler nee Holmes) shows Wilson Ave in 1956 with an unusual number of parked vehicles due to a surf carnival

1956 Trentham is second on the left & Wilson's "Currimundi House" can be seen at the top of the hill. The houses faced an undeveloped road reserve to the east, with the water tanks a feature at the back.